In the article we discuss flaxseeds, their benefits and harms, and explain how to take them properly for medicinal purposes and for weight loss. By applying our tips, you can improve your body's health, lose extra pounds and improve the appearance of your skin and hair.
What are flaxseeds? Translated from Latin, the word "linen" means "the most useful". And this is not surprising. The plant is used in cosmetology, medicine and cooking. Its stems are used to produce highly hygroscopic and environmentally friendly fabrics.
Flaxseeds are recognized as a valuable nutritional supplement and a universal remedy for many different ailments. How are flaxseeds harvested? Raw materials are collected in September. The fruits are harvested (flat spherical boxes) containing about 10 seeds. Gutted seeds from boxes must be dried in places protected from direct sunlight.
How to store flaxseeds
Flaxseeds are susceptible to spoilage and oxidation. Therefore, store the product in the refrigerator in airtight containers. Whole grains, when refrigerated, retain all their beneficial properties for 1 year.
If you buy flaxseed in a store, pay attention to:
- better before the date;
- packaging integrity (must be vacuum sealed);
- no signs of moisture.

Composition and beneficial properties of flaxseed
Flaxseed includes a full set of useful elements necessary to maintain the normal functioning of the human body:
- vitamins: groups B, C, E, K, PP and choline;
- macroelements: Ca, K, Mg, Na and P;
- trace elements: Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn and Se;
- polyunsaturated fatty acids: Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9;
- insoluble and soluble fiber;
- mono- and disaccharides.
- Medicinal properties of flaxseed
Traditional medicine recommends using flaxseeds to treat a wide variety of ailments.
An exclusive product helps with therapy:
- pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, colitis, intestinal atony, enteritis, ulcerative lesions, food poisoning, constipation);
- diseases of the respiratory system and throat;
- weakened immune system;
- inflammation of the bladder and kidneys;
- sinusitis;
- hypertension;
- diabetes mellitus;
- liver dysfunction;
- tuberculosis;
- parasitic infestations;
- arthritis, gout, rheumatism, heel spurs;
- neuralgic pain;
- furunculosis, barley, burns;
- oncological diseases;
- cardiovascular diseases (atherosclerosis, stroke, thrombophlebitis, ischemia, myocardial infarction).
And this is not a complete list of pathologies that flaxseed helps with.
Linseed oil
The main characteristic of flaxseed oil is its high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which enter the body only through external sources. It is best to buy a cold pressed product. It is during this production that it retains useful substances. High-quality oil does not contain sediment and has a pleasant nutty-sweet flavor. Exposure to light and heat causes the oil to oxidize (it begins to taste bitter). This product is extremely harmful to the body and can even cause cancer.
Flaxseed flour
Many recipes use ground flaxseed. You can make flour yourself using a coffee grinder or buy a ready-made product.
Flaxseeds, flour and oil
Homemade flaxseed meal has a short shelf life – just 6 to 16 weeks if stored in the refrigerator in an airtight container. The product purchased in the store does not contain oily components, therefore it can be stored for a long time.
Flaxseeds - benefit or harm
The main benefit of flaxseed lies in its high content of 3 main components:
- Fiber - improves the functioning of the digestive tract, removes harmful cholesterol.
- Polyunsaturated acids - ensure the restoration of body cells, prevent the occurrence of blood clots.
- Lignans have antiviral, antioxidant, antifungal and antibacterial effects. Restores hormonal levels in women.
- The therapeutic effect of flaxseed is enhanced by vitamins (B, E) and microelements (magnesium, iodine, manganese, calcium, chromium, potassium, copper, iron).
Benefits for the body
Flaxseeds provide comprehensive positive effects on the body:
- reduce cholesterol;
- strengthen the immune system;
- normalize liver function;
- protect against vitamin deficiency;
- reduce sugar;
- reduce the risk of blood clots;
- normalize high blood pressure;
- prevent the formation of tumors (including malignant ones);
- cleanse the intestines;
- activate peristalsis;
- improve fat metabolism;
- remove harmful substances and toxins from the body;
- provide improvement in the structure of skin and hair at a cellular level;
- promote rapid healing of the skin and mucous membranes;
- eliminate sexual dysfunctions in men;
- regulate hormonal levels, thereby improving the condition during menopause;
- has a laxative effect;
- soothe intense dry cough.
The use of flaxseed is prohibited for:
- bowel obstruction;
- individual intolerance;
- stones in the urinary or gallbladder;
- exacerbation of cholecystitis or pancreatitis;
- liver cirrhosis, hepatitis;
- endometritis, uterine myoma, polycystic disease in women;
- prostate inflammation in men.
Abuse of the product can cause flatulence and diarrhea. The permitted daily dose is 5 to 50 g.
How to take flaxseeds to lose weight
Many women actively use flaxseed to lose weight. Nutritionists consider this method very effective and explain how the product works:
- It swells in the stomach, providing a feeling of satiety with a small volume.
- Fiber stimulates peristalsis, promoting rapid intestinal cleansing.
- Acids activate metabolic processes and accelerate fat burning.
- Flaxseeds for weight loss are used in the form of a decoction or infusion, as well as as an additional ingredient in jellies, cocktails, teas, compotes, dietary dishes, etc.
Flaxseed drinks prepare the body for digesting food, activate the metabolic process and prevent the absorption of fats through the stomach walls. To lose weight, take ground flaxseed (2 tablespoons) twice a day with a glass of water. To enhance the therapeutic effect, drink plenty of fluids (at least 2 liters) throughout the day.
Flax decoction
Pour 2 tbsp. I. Flaxseeds 500 ml of boiled water and cook over low heat for about half an hour, after boiling, let the broth cool and strain. This drink should be consumed 25-30 minutes before meals, 100 ml.
Flax infusion
The infusion is made at night, place 2 tablespoons in a thermos. I. flaxseed, pour 1 liter of boiling water over them and let it brew until morning. Drink the strained drink 20 minutes before meals, in an amount of 100-150 ml.
Drinks with flaxseeds to lose weight
In addition to the usual decoction or infusion, you can add flaxseeds to your favorite drinks, the effect will be no less effective. Compote – cook berry compote, add flaxseeds, equal to 1 tbsp. I. seeds per 500 ml of jelly (compote), cool. The jelly must initially be liquid, as after adding the flax it will thicken.
Tea – add 1 teaspoon to prepared tea. Flaxseed, green tea is best suited for weight loss. You can drink this drink no more than 2 times a day.
Cocktail – mix 250 ml of carrot juice, 1 tsp. flaxseed oil and 1 tbsp. I. flaxseed, add a few drops of lemon juice. This cocktail can be consumed 3 times a day. For best results, replace one lunch dish and one evening dish with it.
Flaxseed drinks must always be fresh, the shelf life of ready-made decoctions and infusions is 24 hours, after 24 hours they lose their beneficial properties and can be dangerous. Use the decoction or infusion for two weeks and then take a break for ten days.
With the help of flax, you can eliminate the consequences of unbalanced and exhausting diets and restore the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. With proper use of flaxseed, you can lose around 2 kilos per week, practically without changing your diet. Flax contains a lot of fiber and is low in carbohydrates, so once in the stomach, the seeds begin to swell, making you feel full with less food eaten. In addition, flax helps to speed up metabolic processes, the body will burn more calories and burn accumulated fat reserves.
Flaxseeds for colon cleansing
Flaxseed helps cleanse the intestine of toxins, reduce waste in the body and improve the functioning of the digestive system.
Classic cleaning ingredients:
- Flaxseed – 50g.
- Water – 1 liter.
How to prepare: Pour boiling water over the flaxseeds in a glass container. Be sure to close it with a lid. Wrap the container well and leave to infuse for 6 hours. Strain before using.
How to use: Drink the first portion (150 ml) 30 minutes before breakfast, on an empty stomach. You can add some honey to the drink. The entire infusion (1 l) must be drunk during the day. Drink the drink only hot. Do this cleaning daily for 2 weeks. You can repeat the course only after 6 months.
Result: the infusion cleanses the body of toxins, reduces cholesterol, relieves constipation and activates intestinal motility. Flaxseed mucus ensures the healing of mucous ulcers. Regular consumption of the drink cleanses the blood, liver and improves skin condition.
Cleansing with kefir
Flaxseed with kefir
- Flaxseed – 15-45g.
- Low-fat kefir – 100 ml.
Preparation method: Mix the kefir with the flaxseed. You can use whole grains or crushed flour. How to use: Use flaxseed with kefir in the morning, on an empty stomach, instead of breakfast. The cleansing course lasts 3 weeks. Do it according to the following scheme - in the first week - use 15 g of seeds with kefir, in the second - 30 g; in the third - increase the amount of seeds to 45 g. It is possible to repeat the course only after six months.
Result: flaxseed with kefir removes toxins, improves the appearance of the skin, restores intestinal microflora and activates peristalsis. Thanks to the normalization of metabolism, weight loss occurs.
It does not cause any particular harm, but it is not advisable to take it for:
- pregnant women;
- people with gallbladder problems;
- those suffering from exacerbation of pancreatitis, colitis, flatulence.
Be sure to consult your doctor if you have the following conditions:
- pancreatitis;
- cholecystitis
- hepatical cirrhosis;
- hepatitis;
- gallstones (causes cramps);
- Low pressure;
- intestinal inflammation.
Check with your doctor if you are taking the following medications:
- from allergies,
- antidepressants,
- birth control pills.
Flax improves blood clotting, can reduce blood pressure or slow the absorption of medications. The use of flaxseed oil and seeds may be incompatible with other medicines.
Including flaxseeds in your diet provides:
- normalization of hormonal levels;
- fight against chronic diseases of the digestive system;
- reduction of constipation;
- minimize the development of serious pathologies of the nervous system in the fetus;
- protecting the baby from viral infections.
It is strictly forbidden to ingest flaxseed without consulting your gynecologist. Despite the significant benefits, the product can cause uterine tone, which can lead to miscarriage or premature birth. Only a doctor can prescribe and select the correct flaxseed intake regimen for pregnant women.
When breastfeeding
Active use of flaxseed during lactation is undesirable. Some substances that enter a child's body with milk can complicate its functioning. But sometimes doctors recommend flaxseeds in small quantities to nursing mothers (for certain pathologies). Pregnant and breastfeeding women can consume the product better by adding it to roasts or salads.
For constipation
- Flaxseed – 2 teaspoons…
- Warm boiled water – 1 tablespoon.
How to prepare: Flaxseed can be ground if the whole grain is difficult to swallow. How to use: At night, take flaxseed with water. Repeat the procedure for 2-3 days. Result: The product activates peristalsis and helps to clean the intestine naturally. For chronic constipation, a 7-day treatment is recommended.
Ground flaxseed
For pancreatitis
- Flaxseed – 2 tablespoons. I.
- Water – 0. 4 ml.
Honey - to taste, but no more than 2 tablespoons. I.
Preparation method: Grind the raw material and pour boiling water over it. Cook the mixture over low heat for 10 minutes and then leave the mixture for 1 hour. Strain the flaxseed jelly through a sieve. Add honey to your taste. How to use: Take 200 ml of the drink twice a day on an empty stomach, 15-20 minutes before meals. The duration of treatment is from 3 weeks to several months.
Result: Flaxseed jelly provides an anti-inflammatory and astringent effect on the pancreas. Fiber activates the removal of toxins and speeds up metabolism.
For gastritis
- Flaxseed – 1 tablespoon. I.
- Water – 0. 5 l.
Preparation method: Pour boiling water over the raw material. Leave the product for 1 hour, shaking occasionally. Strain the drink through a sieve. How to use: Drink the infusion twice a day on an empty stomach, 200-250 ml. Continue treatment for 1 month. Result: The infusion provides an anti-inflammatory effect. The treatment eliminates pain, nausea and heartburn.
For diabetes
- Seeds – 2 tablespoons. I.
- Boiling water – 100 ml.
How to cook: Pour boiling water over the flaxseed. Leave the mixture for about 10 minutes. Then add 150 ml of chilled boiled water. How to use: Drink the infusion once a day - in the morning on an empty stomach or 20 minutes before meals. Treatment lasts 10 days – 1 month. Result: The drink reduces sugar well. The seeds contain monosaccharides, so people with diabetes should only consume flaxseed after consulting a doctor.
To lower cholesterol
- Flaxseed – 1 tablespoon. I.
- Aloe juice – 0. 5 tablespoons. I.
- Water – 1 tablespoon.
Preparation method: Grind the seeds. Pour boiling water over them and leave for about 2 hours. Add aloe vera juice. There is no need to strain the drink. How to use: Take 0. 5 cup in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening, 4 hours after meals. Continue therapy for 1-3 months. Result: The drink normalizes cholesterol, improves the condition of blood vessels and prevents the development of atherosclerosis.
Preparation of flaxseeds for use in dietary dishes that include flaxseeds for weight loss:
Hercules with flaxseed
Soak 2 tbsp. I. flaxseed in warm water. Cook porridge with 100-150 g of oats, add swollen flaxseeds and stir. If desired, you can add a small amount of chopped fruit or dried fruit: apples and plums are perfect.
Porridge with sprouted wheat and flax seeds
3 tbsp. I. sprouted wheat and 1 tbsp. I. flaxseed, soak in boiled water for two hours and drain the remaining liquid. Add 50 g of coarsely grated apples and a few dates, previously soaked in water, to the porridge.
Dried Fruits and Flax Seeds for Weight Loss
Soak 2 tbsp. I. flaxseeds in water cooled to a temperature of 40-45 degrees and wait until they swell. Pass dried fruits blanched in boiling water through a meat grinder: plums, dates and dried apricots - 3 pieces each. all. Add flax seeds and 1 tablespoon to the resulting minced meat. I. rice flour, mix the ingredients well (if you wish, you can add a little cocoa powder, but the dish will have more calories). Make small balls, roll them in coconut and refrigerate for a few hours. The most delicious dietary dessert is ready!
Flax seeds in cosmetology
Useful product can be used externally. It eliminates a series of cosmetic problems and provides healthy-looking skin and hair.
Face mask
- Flaxseed – 1 tablespoon. I.
- Boiling water – 0. 5 tablespoons.
- Cream (for sensitive and dry skin) – 1 tablespoon. I.
- Oatmeal (for oily and problematic skin) – 1 tablespoon. I.
How to cook: Pour boiling water over the flaxseed. Cook the product in a water bath for 15 minutes. Strain the broth. Add the desired component (oatmeal or cream).
How to use: Apply the product to clean skin on your face. After 15 minutes, wash off. Repeat the mask 2 to 3 times a week. Result: The product cleanses the skin, nourishes it, tightens pores and eliminates oil. The mask smoothes wrinkles and normalizes the metabolism of the epidermis.
Hair mask
- Flaxseeds – 2 tablespoons. I.
- Boiling water – 125 ml.
Preparation method: Pour boiling water over the raw material and blend well in a blender. How to use: Apply a warm mask to the roots and along the hair. Place a plastic cap on your head and wrap it in a towel. After 2 hours, wash off the mask. Repeat the procedure twice a week. Result: The mask will guarantee silky and soft hair. Strengthens the hair follicle and improves hair growth.
Hair after linen mask
Flaxseeds - recipes.
In alternative medicine, there are universal remedies that can be taken to treat and prevent various pathologies.
Recipe description: Kissel has no taste or smell. To ensure a pleasant taste, add honey, cinnamon, vanilla, berries, chicory.
You will need:
- flax seeds - 1 tbsp. I. ;
- water – 0. 5 liters;
- cinnamon, honey, berries, chicory, vanilla - to taste.
Preparation method: Pour boiling water over the seeds. Leave the mixture for 8 hours. There is no need to strain the jelly. Add cinnamon, vanilla, honey and berries. Calorie content: per 100 g of jelly (in pure form, without additives) – 5. 2 kcal, and 100 g of jelly with the addition of honey (1 teaspoon) – 8. 4 kcal.
Recipe description: The decoction provides a comprehensive cleansing of the body, normalizes the functioning of the digestive system, cleanses the blood, liver, improves the functioning of the kidneys and urinary system. It is better to add sour juice to the drink.
You will need:
- seeds - 1 tbsp. I. ;
- water – 0. 5 liters;
- sour juice (pomegranate, cherry, lemon) – 1 teaspoon.
Preparation method: Cover the flaxseed with water. Boil the mixture in a water bath for 30 minutes. Then wrap the container with the broth in a warm cloth and leave the solution for another 3-4 hours. Strain the broth. Add sour juice. Calorie content: per 100 g of decoction with pomegranate juice – 5. 4 kcal.
What to remember
You can consume flaxseeds only after consulting a doctor. The product brings great benefits to the body, but can also cause harm. The daily dose of seeds is 5 to 50 g and abuse causes diarrhea and flatulence. Store flaxseed products (seeds, flour, oil) in a dark, cool place and always in an airtight container.